In this paper, which will be conceived in two units, we try to depict the form and content of those texts which could be marked as philosophical in intention. As we will see, that intention, in the first period of publishing, was determined by a strong influence of German and French Enlightenment. This influence was only natural, given the need for education for the newly-liberated population of Nis. The second period can be discribed as having a more partial interpretation of philosophical problems. At the end of the account, the article is focused on the investigation of cultural and social reasons which caused such a tendency. In this sense, the founding and development of the Faculty of Philosophy in Nis was the main reason behind the progress in philosophical publishing. U ovom radu, koncipiranom kroz dve celine, nastojacemo da ukazemo na formu i sadrzaj onih tekstova cija se usmerenost moze oznaciti filozofskom. Kako ce se videti, ta usmerenost, u prvom periodu izlazenja casopisa, odredjena je uticajima nemackog i francuskog prosvetiteljstva. U drugom periodu, s razloga kojih cemo se tokom rada dotaci, primeticemo sve izrazeniju tendenciju ka izlazenju tekstova koji se mogu oznaciti striktno filozofskim. Otuda cemo ovaj casopis sagledavati, s jedne strane, u kljucu njegovog prosvetiteljskog nastojanja za obrazovanjem tek oslobodjenog niskog stanovnistva, s druge, obzirom na kulturne i drustvene okolnosti u drugoj polovini XX veka. Kako cemo na kraju pokusati da obrazlozimo, tendencija ka sve vecoj prisutnosti filozofskih tekstova, kao i njihova sve izrazenija intencija ka parcijalnom sagledavanju problema, bazirana je na zastupljenosti filozofije unutar obrazovnih institucija.