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Prof. Vuong Quan Hoang (also known as Quan-Hoang Vuong and original Vietnamese name: Vương Quân Hoàng) is one of the most important figures in contemporary Vietnamese social sciences and humanities, especially after 2000. He is the founder of Centre for Interdisciplinary Social Research (Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam) and Vietnam Chapter of the European Association of Science Editors. He serves as a Distinguished Associate Member with Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) and a Professor at Korea University. Since his first publication in 1997, he has proposed eight notable theoretical frameworks and concepts: 1) Serendipity as a strategic advantage, 2) 3D information process of creativity, 3) Mindsponge mechanism, 4) Cultural additivity, 5) Semi-conducting principle, 6) Nature, emergence, and mechanism of serendipity, 7) Granular interaction thinking theory, 8) Informational entropy-based value formation.