Pour une définition ontologique de la multitude
Against all the avatars of the transcendence of sovereign power , the concept of the multitude is that of an immanence : that of a revolutionary monster of non-representable singularities ; taking its point of departure in the idea that every body is already a multitude, that is, expression and cooperation. It is also a class-concept, subject of production and object of exploitation, the latter defining as the exploitation of the cooperation of the singularities ; a materialist set-up of the multitude thus cannot but originate in taking in account the priority of the body and the struggle against its exploitation. It is eventually the concept of a power : the flesh of the multitude wants to transform into the body of General Intellect ; the discourse must then concern the metamorphosis of bodies : the cause of the metamorphoses investing the multitude as a whole, and the singularities as a multitude, is nothing but the struggles, the movements and the desires for transformation. The ontological power of the multitude might, today, eliminate the relation of sovereignty