Can we find different means of communicative visual solutions to aid societies in the development of multicultural global communities? This means not revolving only around a particular language or even human language, but rather the concept and structure of communication. This transforms any kind of sign, body gesture or visual element into a method of communication, not simple phenomena. The aim of the research is to use media art and new technology to establish a better (wide) visual communicative language in multicultural societies and provide a solid bridge between east and west, through in-depth visual/technological experimentation, seeking a transcultural visual solution to the problem of visual integration. Can any perceivable phenomenon become a conveyor of meaning? While language is based very much on common agreements, the way each of us responds to a message can be entirely different. Communication therefore creates diversity from uniformity: the idea of mixing setups of humans and machines (robots, computers, etc.) that are somehow able to communicate. The communication would give rise to some sort of choreography of movements that is synchronized because of the communication but diverse because of different responses to the communication.