Deals with modern features and trends shaping values of students as a factor of its creative and personality development. Based on the realities of our time and the modern requirements of the process of education of students, defines the socio-professional of values. The study identified and trends that suggest that, in the study of occupational choice students in high schools and colleges it is necessary to study more deeply the different combination of objective and subjective factors of professional choice of modern students. Experimental way, you revealed the dynamics of professional choice of students in vocational schools and count Ledge shows the role and importance of values influencing this choice. Emphasizes the special role of the teacher in the formation of personal creative development. It is argued that the socio-professional values of students, acting as a factor of its creative and personal development necessitate problem solving in several areas, in particular: - study in depth the real political, economic and social situation, which affects the development of modern youth - identify and analyze the specifics of the formation of social and professional values of a young man at all stages of its formation: - impregnated with young people’s information culture for the purpose of minimizing the risks of the Internet, reducing its negative impact on their mind - to teach them to learn preparedness STI world with a judicious combination of natural and humanitarian knowledge, - to seek ways of transition to active learning based on the type of search and creative activity of pupils, including design, engineering, forecasting with emphasis on their creativity - to maximize the opportunities of the cultural development of the people, the growth their morals and high moral qualities - use the practice- oriented training of the teacher for help in the present situation.