The author investigates the prospects of holistic ethics in the contemporary world. From the standpoint of individual existence observed three modes of ethical attitude towards the world in their historic genesis: home, environment, and common world. The ancient idea of home as a place of love and revelation of God was eroded by the expansion of human civilization on the natural, social, and cosmic scale. This process is reflected in the concept of a multiform environment as a source of material, biological, economic, political, cultural possibilities, and a space of physical, social, and informational mobility. The crises of those environments put the problem of the proper ethical norms and values for human survival and further development. The ethical dimension of its solution presents the idea of a common world and the relevant ethical principles of advocacy, responsibility, solidarity, justice with the aim of consensus on the basis of a rational discourse where people represent all the other being’s interests. Thus, based on regularly open for better arguments discussion, the author views the possibility of the formation of a cosmos friendly ethics.