In Béziau a logic \ was defined with the help of the modal logic \. In it, the negation operator is understood as meaning ‘it is not necessary that’. The strong soundness–completeness result for \ with respect to a version of Kripke semantics was also given there. Following the formulation of \ we can talk about \-like logics or Beziau-style logics if we consider other modal logics instead of \—such a possibility has been mentioned in [1]. The correspondence result between modal logics and respective Beziau-style logics has been generalised for the case of normal logics naturally leading to soundness–completeness results [see Marcos :279–300, 2005) and Mruczek-Nasieniewska and Nasieniewski :229–248, 2005)]. In Mruczek-Nasieniewska and Nasieniewski :185–196, 2008), :189–203, 2009) some partial results for non-normal cases are given. In the present paper we try to give similar but more general correspondence results for the non-normal-worlds case. To achieve this aim we have to enrich original Beziau’s language with an additional negation operator understood as ‘it is necessary that not’.