Ethical Issues in cybersecurity: employing red teams, responding to ransomware attacks and attempting botnet takedowns
Dissertation, Dublin City University (
The following four research questions are analysed in this thesis: What are the ethical issues that arise in cybersecurity in the business domain? Is it ethically appropriate for organisations to employ red teams to find security vulnerabilities? What is the ethically appropriate organisational response to a ransomware attack? Is it ethically appropriate for organisations to attempt a botnet takedown in response to a DDoS attack? The first research question is answered by way of a literature review which reveals that many ethical issues arise in cybersecurity in the business domain. The second, third and fourth research questions are analysed using a strategic method described by Robert A Phillips. This method, based on stakeholder theory and the political theory of John Rawls, provides a philosophical basis for stakeholder legitimacy and the prioritisation of stakeholders’ interests should conflict of interests amongst stakeholders arise. This method can be replicated by decision-makers to determine ethically appropriate courses of action to take.