A believer, an atheist, an agnostic, a monist, a monotheist, a polytheist, an absolutist or even a hedonist can debate and discuss Spirituality. Is Spirituality a synonym for Religion and religious belief or does it spell different? Can one be spiritual and not be religious? Does being religious imply or presuppose the individual being spiritual? Is not Spirituality an antithesis for Materialism? Can one be spiritual and yet enjoy the sensual and phenomenal pleasures? Does it not imply that spirituality necessarily insists on austerity and does not allow people to be led by Artha and Käma? Are Dharma and Spirituality two names meaning the same concept and reality? Can Spirituality and business go together? Does the Indian concept of Puruñärthas lead one to holistic approach to life? These and many more questions lead us to the path of Truth, the very essence of Spirituality. Spirituality is not for the ascetic, the sage and the seer, and the old and the weak. It is the very substratum that keeps the nectar of life sustenance and evolution of the entire race and cosmos. It is the cornerstone of every business and industry. Let us understand what India has given to the world, through Spiritual teachings to make the ideal of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakaà or a global village, a universal reality.