Introduction. The formation of the ecological culture of the individual in the modern world is being updated due to the need to prepare a modern young person for adequate behavior in an environmental crisis and an increase in involvement in the global world. The goal is to reveal the features of the ecological culture formation in school students, taking into account the ethno-cultural component in the conditions of multi-ethnic education. Theoretical analysis. The concept of “ecological culture” is a cumulative unity of ecology and culture; in order to form an ecological culture, it is necessary to seek support in traditional ethical norms and values regarding relationships in the human-nature system. The modern school requires the introduction of new educational paradigms, taking into account ethno-regional characteristics and ethno-cultural values of the educational environment. In the schools of the Volga region, an educational strategy called multi-ethnic education is being successfully implemented, during which children are introduced to ethnic culture and the ability to live in a multinational country. Conclusions. The study of the ethno-cultural component contributes to the formation of a vitally demanded knowledge system for each student and the development of skills to solve regional environmental problems based on the traditional values of environmental management. As a result of educational work, a school graduate shows civic responsibility, respects national traditions, shows tolerance, and has a high ecological culture.