In this paper we try to analyze that which in Jacques Derrida’s philosophical and political thinking is called “political untranslatable” through a triple movement described in the late texts: a deconstruction movement, which can be found in his entire works and which, in terms of political philosophy, aims to identify in politics an untranslatable remain that cannot be contained in any binary categories of philosophy; an autoimmune movement, which stretches and complicates deconstruction and which expresses the capacity of western political philosophy concepts to obliterate themselves from their inside. The political untranslatable, in terms of autoimmunity, signifies the difficulty, if not impossibility of transferring these concepts from a historical experience to another. Finally, the precariousness movement completes deconstruction and autoimmune vocabulary and refers to the necessity of considering, in any philosophical composition, the fragility of political, economic or social structures of the globalized world in which we live. The political untranslatable is another name for the rest of our individual and collective lives that resist to any recovery in totalizing ideologies