Education is the process of raising the people that your society needs. At the end of this process, whether the desired output is achieved or not is understood by measurement and evaluation processes. Measurement and evaluation activities, which are indicators of whether the training process is functioning right or not, have an important place in the system. At this point, the attitudes of the teachers who perform the assessment and evaluation towards measurement and evaluation are very important. Based on this importance, the aim of this study is to determine the attitudes of RCE teachers towards assessment and evaluation within the framework of different variables. 341 RCE teachers participated in this quantitative study, which adopted a crosssectional and relationships screening model. In the study, "Attitude Scale for Assessment and Evaluation (ÖDTÖ/ASAE)" developed by Çalışkan and Yazıcı (2013) was used. The findings obtained as a result of the research show that there is a statistically significant difference in the attitudes of RCE teachers towards measurement and evaluation according to gender, status of receiving formation education, faculty graduated, tenure of duty, type of school served. On the other hand, whether or not they receive special training on assessment and evaluation does not significantly affect the attitudes of RCE teachers towards assessment and evaluation.