From an etymological standpoint the word "interest" is well suited to
phenomenological investigations, lnteresse, to be among, 1 or as Husserl sometimes
translates, Dabeisein, 2 succinctly expresses the sense ofHusserl's more
usual term, "intentionality." Mind, he never tired or saying, is not at all another
thing alongside the various things of the world; it is already outside
itself, and in the company of the things it thinks. Yet despite the appropriateness
of "interest" to name this fact of psychic life, only gradually does the
word assume a place in the phenomenological vocabulary. The reason is not
hard to find. Husserl's early work treats intentional achievements statically
and hence rather thinly. Once he secured the transcendental or properly
phenomenological stance he was free to move beyond his initial "Platonism"
to a more truly Platonic position, which attempts to think the forms in motion.
That is to say, Husserl discovered genetic phenomenology. 3 Mind is
now considered in light of its purposiveness: genetic phenomenology highlights
the teleological character of our thinking engagement with the world.
"Interest," accordingly, may be said to name the history of our readiness to
take up with things in their intelligibility. Alternately stated, Husserl's account
of interest displays the drawing power of the real in virtue of its being
thinkable or ideal. It is perhaps not too grave an injustice to read interest as
the Husserlian analogue to the "idea of the good" proposed by Socrates to
Glaucon and Adeimantus as that which lights the mind's way.