Demands for standardization and accountability as systemic cures for perceived ills in the education system are paralleled by a public and private sector promotion of technology integration as one pedagogical solution. The general critique of education and of technology in society has developed as two related yet separate threads in critical inquiry and discussion. As electronic forms of media and communication are becoming pervasive in society in general, solutions to long-standing educational dilemmas that mirror problems in society at large need to develop from grounded theories for educational practice that embrace technological forms of information, knowledge, and culture production. This needs to be done to reverse the historical trend of education as an institution first adopting and then adapting technological forms to purposes of replicating status quo culture and social relationships. Despite the claims of many to the contrary, new technology may not make any difference in education. Individual attainment and achievement through technological efficiency may prove meaningless in a world pressed to reconcile problems that move diverse societies closer together rather than farther apart. Hope, meaning, belonging, and what has been termed the pedagogy of possibility are posited as an ethical foundation for advancing the integration of technology into education for an equitable, democratic, and different future.