Dissertation, University of Kent (
This thesis aims at bringing out the inadequacies of liberation theologies in responding to ecological challenges and evolving an integral ecotheology relevant for India. Chapter 1. delineates the present Indian theological context, influenced by liberation, dalit, and feminist theologies. It argues that 'ecology' as a central category can integrate these theologies, often found divided due to ideological differences. Chapter 2. analyses the Indian ecological context and concludes that the tribals, dalits, and women are the main victims of ecological crises. Chapter 3. argues that liberation theology needs to revise the interpretation of its paradigm and integrate the ecologically pertinent P account of exodus into its hermeneutics. Chapter 4. identifies anthropocentrism as a major pitfall of liberation theology and revises its doctrinal explications from an integral ecological perspective. Chapter 5. critiques the Marxist social analysis in liberation theology, exposing the incapability of class perspective to address ecological concerns and suggests 'ecology', which can unite the concerns of the oppressed, be taken as the umbrella category. Chapter 6. focuses on eco-feminist theology, identifying its inadequacies such as neglect of the caste factor, and a lack of emphasis on the praxiological view of the 'women-nature conflation'. Chapter 7. points out a major weakness of dalit theology, its neglect of ecological concerns. It demonstrates how a sharper exegesis can help dalit theology uncover the ecological thrusts of its paradigm, the Deuteronomic Creed. It argues that dalit theology needs to review its antagonistic attitude towards Hindu Brahminic and Gandhian strands and incorporate their rich ecological insights. Chapter 8. considers process theology as a system with potential insights to integrate the concerns of liberation theologies and ecotheology. Chapter 9. works out, by examining the emerging ecotheology, an integral ecotheology relevant for India, combining the related concerns in liberation theologies and ecotheology. This is a doctrinal formulation with distinct Indian ecotheological perspectives.