The article reconstructs the cosmic dimension of existence in Fink’s thought. It first analyses man’s openness to the world and then the basic phenomena of existence (eros, work, mastery, death, play). Following he explains human existence as the realisation of a responsive freedom, according to we do not exist from ourselves, but from a way of assuming the aforementioned fundamental phenomena on the basis of which we are born, reside and die in the world. In this sense, the explicitation concludes that these phenomena constitute the cosmic insertion of our existence, since the development of existence from them reflects and symbolises the way in which the cosmos itself emerges and reigns in us. Finally, the article proposes a hermeneutic extension of Fink’s thought, determines the fundamental moods (Stimmungen) and attitudes proper to existence that fully assumes its cosmic character. In this sense, he concludes that a cosmic existence is characterised, first, by a responsible attitude towards the harmonious existence of all beings with whom it shares the world and with whom it realises the order that the world is. Secondly, by a serene attitude towards one’s own mortality, which is assumed as a necessary moment of the world’s becoming. Finally, as an grateful existence to the universe that has allowed it to be and has offered it the possibilities that it is.