The Interpretation of Scripture in Hobbes's "Leviathan": The Achievement of Piety in Modern Secular Politics
Dissertation, Emory University (
This study of Thomas Hobbes places faith and individual conscience at the center of Hobbes's concern in formulating his doctrine of sovereignty. The text of Leviathan is reviewed extensively showing evidence of this concern, and Hobbes is found to have been greatly influenced by Jean Calvin on matters of faith. Texts of Calvin and Richard Hooker are presented which formed the religious discourse within which Hobbes articulates his own understanding of piety which bears significantly on the quality of public life. Hobbes's anthropology is shown to have been the result of a dual method including both interpretation of scripture and qualitative descriptions of men's passions and speeches. A discussion of Hobbes's views on faith, piety and man concludes that modern civilization is founded on the notion of man's common destiny presented in scripture