Lévinas in dialogo con Jaspers, Kant e Nietzsche
ion, retreat of the Other, ethical difference, height, dissymmetry in Levinas and mediation of the ciphers, “metaphisical objectivity” in Jaspers; absolutely Other in Levinas, umgreifende in Jaspers. After “the death of God” the Infinite for Levinas stays not before his witness but in the passivity I express him. Consonance with the Kant’s sublime and with Nietzsche? The Levinas reference to other thinkers in this paper also concerns, critically interpreted, the One of the Neoplatonism and the biblical command of Exodus. In this perspective the dissymmetry and the absence of connection in the ethical experience as experience of a God “transcendent until absolute absence” goes to the obsession of “Sub-jectum”, through an enigmatic “immanence”.