There is a lot of damage that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused and it is too early to know its real cost, especially when governments have difficulties to coordinate effective policies to combat the disease, which avoid the negative impact on the general population and, particularly, groups in situations of greater vulnerability. This work reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on the black Brazilian population, starting with the debates made by specialists in Health of the Black Population and other social agents in the period from April to May 2020. It is a documentary and bibliographic research that focuses on thematic interpretation of content, divided into three parts: first, the delimitation of what is understood in this work by the black population; later, the discussion between the health of the black population and public policies in Brazil; and finally, the systematization of the debate on the impact on the black population of COVID-19, highlighting the issues of inclusion by color / race, gender and housing, lethality, impact on the periphery, social isolation and the problem of precarious black lives. Considerations about necropolitics and black bodies, Indians and African immigrants are addressed; and the proposals for tackling the pandemic made by the Brazilian Association of Public Health (ABRASCO).