The practical dimension of human existence is related to his actions; Actions that shape his personality and with the guidance of practical wisdom can be transformed into wise actions and cause human happiness. The findings of the research, which is based on the descriptive and analytical method and based on library sources, show that Farabi paid special attention to the practical dimension of human existence in his view in the field of Madina Fazeleh; So that the actions of the people of Madina, along with knowledge, are among the components that cause Madina to become virtuous and Fazeleh, and if the people of Madina have knowledge; But if there is weakness in their actions, it will not be a utopia, and according to Farabi's own interpretation, it is an immoral and Faseghe Medina. It means a Medina whose inhabitants believe and know God and goodness; But in practice, they do not adhere to their knowledge. In the same way, the analysis of the works of Allameh Muhammad-Taqi Ja'fari shows that he considers action to be the main component after awareness and knowledge to reach an Intelligible life and even believes that the reasonableness of a Intelligible life is not only through theoretical Intellect, but also includes theoretical and practical Intellect. Examining the views of two thinkers shows that they both pay attention to wise action as the main component and acknowledge its role in individual and social life.