New York: T and T Clark (
Editor's introduction: Donald MacKinnon : extraordinary theologian of the ordinary -- Theology as a discipline of a modern university (1972) -- The function of philosophy in education (1941) -- Moral objections (1963) -- Kant's agnosticism (1947) -- The Christian understanding of truth (1948) -- Christian and Marxist dialectic (1953) -- Prayer worship and life (1953) -- Some reflections on secular diakonia (1966) -- Sacrament and common meal (1955) -- Moral freedom (1969) -- Ethical intuition (1956) -- Natural law (1966) -- Freedom defended (1968-9) -- Revelation and social justice (1941) -- On comprehending the threat (1989) -- Some epistemological reflections on mystical experience (1978) -- Drama and memory (1984) -- The evangelical imagination (1986) -- Intellect and imagination (1991) -- Does faith create its own objects? (1990) -- Creation : a dialogue between Anthony Flew and D.M. MacKinnon (1955) -- 'Substance' in christology : a cross-bench view (1972) -- The tomb was empty (1946) -- Son of Man : a comment (1990) -- Christology and protest (1988) -- The icon Christi and eucharistic theology (1992) -- Some reflections on Hans Urs von Balthasar's christology with special reference to Theodramatik II/2 and III (1986) -- Subjective and objective conceptions of atonement (1966) -- Teleology and redemption (1995) -- Death (1955).