Aristotle's Theory of Music Education
Aristotle's idea of music education in its aesthetics a pivotal part, but have traditionally not been given due attention. Aristotle, as the music for the need to cultivate character and sentiment, the pleasure that it can resonate in the soul of the character, and harmony of music, not only the harmony of the soul directly, and ultimately by the number of principles, reflecting the harmony of the universe. To a certain extent, Aristotle's idea to show how music education in the ancient art of living in the musical supremacy. Aristotle's thought on music education is an essential in his aesthetic theories, yet in a large degree neglected by academic attentions. Aristotle maintains that music should be studied not for the sake of one, but of many benefits, with a view of education, purgation and . enjoyment. Seeing musical pleasure harmonized the soul's character, like Plato did, Aristotle takes harmony of universe the final cause of the beauty of music. Both Plato and Aristotle's thought on music may explain why music always holds a unique place among ancient cultures