In the Universe, there is a particular order. This order is known as ‘rta’. Since its very beginning, the order of a system prevails in the entire universe and cosmos. This cosmic order is known as ‘Mahan Rta’. Corresponding to this ‘Mahaman Rta’, there is an empirical order which is known as ‘Moral Rta’. To maintain the Mahan Rta it is imperative to follow and protect the ‘moral øta’. Out of all living beings on this earth, only human beings have consciousness and therefore there is a possibility that they only can violate the Mahan Rta. Rta the universal, all-pervading principle for maintaining the order in the society, nature and cosmos at large. It is also an ecological principle which sustains the balance and interrelationship of all life. Now the question is, what are the ways to follow this empirical order? Dharma is identified with rta. Rta is the natural order which reveals itself in and through the world and reveals itself as a moral law, governing and regulating the human conduct. Thus, violating this adharma which is sinful and results in destruction or chaos. Rta is also identified with Satya, Yajna etc.