The Development Of Husserl's Model Of Constitution From An Approach And Content View / Die Entwicklung Des Husserlschen Konstitutionsmodells Von Auffassung Und Inhalt
I will discuss the characteristics, guiding concepts and rules as well as the merits and flaws of the Husserlian constitution-model of apperception and contents apperceived in the Logical Investigations . Then I will present some extensions, corrections and modifications up to the year 1920. For example, the revision of the lectures on the phenomenology of internal time-consciousness leads to important insights: into the relativity of the contents apperceived, in the concept of non-sensual representants and that constitution in the lowest level must follow a different pattern. Beside this I will examine whether the well known self-critical notes in the lectures on time-consciousness really lead to a complete rejection of this model. In my view this is not the case. To argue for this I will delineate the use and the slight modifications of the model apperception-content apperceived in Husserls late writings