Granì 18 (4):100-106 (
Consideration of apophatics by V. Lossky realized through the establishment of two measurements that may explicate by reference to the texts of Dionysius the Areopagite. The significance of Dionysius the Areopagite in pointing out some not having gnosticintellectual character mode of apophatic theology. Nonintellectualistic understanding of apophaticism may disclose through the understanding of the image of the Divine Darkness. Ignorance alleged mystical theology is not a state of negative character or a simple lack of knowledge, it is obvious affinity act of aesthetic contemplation, not allowing yourself to express the statement, but supposing the real presence, indicating stepping over the edge, extasys. But the ecstatic character of apophaticism makes sense of not the ecstatic visions, images, and the need to cleanse and going beyond the usual state: apophaticism is a disposition of mind, refuses drafting concepts of God that is not possible by turning off the thought, but deepening it to the primacy of reason, prepredicative and prelogical, turning the idea into an existential position. In the image of the Divine Darkness, correlated to the Divine Light, easy to see antinomy, but cannot see agnosticism closeness of God. In the light of existential understanding apophaticism it can be understood as the ultimate existential exposure, when the experience of others does not guarantee the encounter with God, this is the way that can only pass on their own. There is no unauthorized individualism but there is enduring on himself, that is, both intellectually and apophaticismdialectical procedure, and how vital existential entering into communion with God is experienced in its nature.