From Being to Absurdity
Introduction of this paper will lead regardless of World War I, Paris Literature and Philosophy philosophy exists in the atmosphere contribute to sustainable development in France, France, Germany, renowned scholars to absorb each addition to scientific thought, the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and encouraged a young philosophy teacher Following the ultra-realism did not lag behind, will be transformed into philosophical thought there is the presence of the Saudi leadership doctrine. The second part describes the development of philosophical thought process there, from the traditional to the existence of philosophy into two existential thought: there is no nervous of Christ's thought and thought no nervous. And during World War Two, Saudi Arabia continued existence of non-neural philosophy, creating up a "modern magazine" for voice. And Camus are participating "battle" magazine described the absurd regardless of human dilemma. There are two leadership campaign literature to fiction, drama, literary form interpretation of the absurdity of life. World War II, human face of the cruelty of life vanish instantly. Saudi Arabia in 1945 published "Existentialism is a humanism" speech, that "existence precedes essence" no nervous of the "Saudi doctrine." The third part introduces inherited Camus' words Xue Xi Fosi nervous, "" absurd existence, "the theme of a group of active young stage in the French foreign playwrights, among which Beckett, Younie Scott created for the avant-garde mainstream, write another out of a far-reaching impact of the new Western world drama drama Type: theater of the absurd. The foreword of this paper is to introduce how the literary and philosophical mood in Paris after World War Ⅰ was conducive to the persistent development of existential philosophy in France. While the famous French scholars were absorbing the scientific thoughts from Germany, Ecole Normale Super Paris also produced some young instructors of philosophy, who transformed existential philosophy into Sartre's existentialism after surrealism started to decline. The second part of the paper is devoted to the development of existential philosophy, from traditional existential philosophy to the two branches of existentialist thoughts: the atheistic existentialism and the Christian atheism. Between the two world wars, Sartre carried on the atheistic existentialism, launching Les Temps Modernes as his mouthpiece, as Albert Camus joined the editorial board of Combat to address the absurdity of human conditions. The two of them piloted the movement of existential literature, interpreting the absurdity of life in the literary forms of novels and dramas. As World War Ⅱ confronted human beings with the cruelty of the transience of life, Sartre's lecture, "Existentialism is a Humanism," advocated his Sartrism that was informed of the atheistic slogan, "Existence precedes essence." The third part is about some young people who followed the theme of Camus "s The Myth of Sisyphus, the" absurdity of being. "Modeling after Samuel Beckett and Ionesco, these young writers are very active in the theatre of France, creating one after another work of the new genre that has made profound impact on western drama: theatre of the absurd