Persuasive technologies can adopt several strategies to change the attitudes
and behaviors of their users. In this work I synthesize the lessons learned from
three empirical case studies on automated persuasion that have been carried
out in the last decade in the contexts of: persuasive news recommendations,
social robotics, and e-commerce, respectively. In particular, such studies have
assessed, in the technological domain, the effects of nudging techniques relying
on well known persuasive argumentation schemas and on framing strategies. In
discussing the main findings, I will argue that the obtained persuasive effects
are due to the fact that such techniques leverage on cognitive mechanisms that
refer to the “system 1” types of automatic processes hypothesized in the context
of the dual process theory of reasoning. As a consequence of this state of affairs,
any automated persuasive systems (used for ethical purposes: e.g. suggesting
good health habits) should be able to re-use these types of system 1 strategies
in order to gradually take the users in an argumentation territory where system
2 processes can take place.