Traditionally the role and meaning of the knowing subject has been a salient
issue for the Western metaphysics, particularly for the modern one. The notion
of the measuring subject, corresponding more or less to the knowing subject in
the traditional metaphysical sense, whose measuring act directly interferes in the
dynamic state of being of an object, takes up a central place in the
philosophical narration of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless the possibility for
the metaphysical subject and the quantum mechanical subject to have a certain
co-relation has not been thought out in both spheres. This paper addresses and
discusses precisely that topic: How is the quantum mechanically playing subject
to relate to the metaphysical transcendental subject traditionally set out,
specifically to the Kantian subject and the Husserlian subject each? Meanwhile
it raises a question as to the so-called ‘progressive’ character of quantum
mechanics whether the quantum mechanical theory of subject ‘really’ resists the
inertia of the Western metaphysical tradition or rather inherits and faithfully
upholds it.