Kuei Shan's Thought of Zen
Eighth-century Chinese Buddhism produced a localization of the first offshoot of Zen - Rural Yang case, pioneer Zen Weishan Ling Yu Huai Hai Baizhang its division that whether he went to visit the furnace flames and enlightenment, he had replied: "No fire ", but refused to Baizhang, deep furnace ashes, took out some of the many remnants of charcoal did not eliminate, to show him:" What is this? "In doing so, Ling Yu becomes aware that this is caused by koan study after reflection. Spiritual perception of that hidden in the depths of the usual waiting time is ripe was only was only excavated. Everyone has the perception by nature, and cause the season to see. Zen appeals to one's direct experienee, it is the light of enlightment, it is the way to the true nature, it is the language of your pure mind. All sentient beings have two ways to enter the Zen: one is reason, another one is conduct. Sometime Our pure nature is overwrapped by the superfluous objects, if we abandon the desire, crave nothing but wisdom, give up selfness, jealous, hatred, we may keep close to the reality-the spirit of pure One. There is neither self nor other, The Buddha and Our mind are one essence. The sentient being is the same with the Buddha, Where is the Buddha nature? It is your pure mind