The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of the value of accountability on the performance of CPNS level III alumni of Banten Province 2019. The method used in this study was the mix method. Respondents of this study were 235 participants of Latsar CPNS Banten Province in 2019, the sample taken was 150 people with proportional random area sampling technique. From the research findings, it can be concluded that the value of accountability has a positive effect on performance, meaning that a high value of accountability will improve the performance of Latsar alumni in Banten Province. This can be proven by the results of the calculation of the research data obtained by the calculated value and the table, thus it can be interpreted that there is a significant effect of variable X on variable Y. Testing using simple linear regression results in the equation model Y = 13,353 + 0.443. X. It can be concluded that every addition of one accountability unit will increase the performance value by 13,796. Thus accountability has a positive and significant effect on the performance of CPNS Latsar alumni in Banten Province. This is indicated by the value of the simple linear regression coefficient which shows a positive value. In other words, the accountability variable is able to predict the value of the performance variable, which is 53.7%, while the remaining 46.3% can be explained or predicted by other factors, besides accountability. In addition to statistical findings, the following findings can be conveyed qualitatively: From the aspect of leadership, Latsar alumni have shown their exemplary roles to their peers. From the aspect of trust, Latsar alumni have a high level of trust and have the ability to adapt well to the environment. From the aspect of clarity, Latsar alumni always set goals first before carrying out the work that is their responsibility. From the aspect of balance, Latsar alumni provide equally good service to all users. In terms of integrity, Latsar alumni have high integrity. From the aspect of justice, Latsar alumni do not differentiate between services. From the aspect of transparency, quickly follow the principles of openness and transparency. From the aspect of consistency, Latsar alumni have consistency in their long duration of work. From the aspect of responsibility, Latsar alumni have high responsibility for the work they are entrusted with and have a very good attitude. From all aspects that were asked of the informants, it can be concluded that the application of the basic values of accountability to CPNS class III alumni of Banten Province in 2019 has been carried out well. Thus all aspects of the value of accountability must be considered by superiors because they can have a positive effect on the performance of ASN Latsar class III alumni in 2019 in Banten Province.