Logic, Philosophy & Psychoanalysis
Madison: Philosophypedia (
This volume contains monologues and dialogues in which the most basic questions of psychoanalysis, philosophy, and logic are given clear and cogent answers.
Table of Contents:
30 Laws of Logic
Different Kinds of Mathematical Functions: A Dialogue
Functions, Bijections, and Mapping-relations
What is Logic?
Outline of a Theory of Knowledge
Determinism, Indeterminism, and Personal Freedom
A Dialogue
Neurosis vs. Psychosis
What determines whether one is happy?
Compulsive Work
How men and women are different
One learns from adversity, not from failure
Does everybody want money?
The #1 Rule of Writing
Lack of Coordination
Mental Illness: The Ultimate Litmus Test
The #1 Rule of Business
Honesty and Integrity
A Dialogue
A Dialogue
What is Bullshit?
A Short Treatise on Causality
Part 1: Causality and Continuity
Part 2 : Causation and Explanation
Part 3: Causation and Counterfactual Truth
Part 4: Program-causation
Part 5: The four different kinds of causes involved in the development of mental illness
Part 6: Singular Causation
Obsessions and Compulsions
A Dialogue concerning OCD
Writing Animated Dialogues as Self-Analysis:
A Dialogue
Neurotic Anxiety as Rational Fear:
A Dialogue
Anomalous Monism
Two Kinds of Insanity
Ignorance of the Future
Proof that Time-Travel is Impossible
Rationality vs. Intelligence: A Dialogue