This article will reflect on diversity of thought as an educational task and a remedy for the challenges of the contemporary world, where uncertainty, disorientation, and fear are strongly felt. The main areas of creating diversity will be highlighted, primarily criticality, with a focus on the idea of critical thinking, as well as social diversity and traveling. Diversity is primarily associated with stepping beyond one’s own boundaries (egocentric, sociocentric, etc.) and actively embracing otherness. Therefore, I will strive to present my understanding of criticality against the backdrop of key and model concepts of critical thinking to emphasize zetetic criticism as an attitude leading to diversity of thought. Simultaneously, I will connect criticality with DEI efforts and the value of travel. Both of these activities illustrate two possible dimensions of stepping beyond the boundaries of one’s own perception of the world (trans-personal dimension, trans-objective dimension), and both should be supported by shaping a critical attitude.