This paper presents Minimal Information Structural Realism. MISR claims that information is an ontologically and epistemologically objective physical entity1 and is perceived as, but not identical to, organization, form, or structure of nature. There is a relatively significant body of literature claiming that the essential, if not fundamental, element of nature is information. Authors differ on the precise description of information conceived this way. However, they do agree that it would be a forming element in nature, a factor responsible for patterns observed in reality, apprehended through order, organization or structures. To express the fundamental ontological role of information in nature, a new kind of structural realism, or rather information structural realism, is needed. This paper is proposing exactly this in the form of minimal information structural realism. The basic claim of MISR is that information is a foundation of reality and it is perceived or apprehended through patterns or structures. This claim embodies basic intuitions regarding the role of information in nature. MISR is not associated with the structural realism SR of the ontic or epistemic kinds, and is only remotely related to the concept of information structural realism defined by Floridi.