Introduction. The image of Napoleon III in philosophical thinking of Chernyshevsky is important for the characterization of ideological struggle in the nineteenth century. Theoretical analysis. From his student years, Chernyshevsky followed the political career of Louis Bonaparte, noted his successes and personal traits. During the Second Empire in France, Chernyshevsky criticized Bonapartism, put forward an explanation of the reasons for its temporary triumph. He mentioned the worship of the peasantry before the glory combined with a famous name, the fear of anarchy and the erroneous calculations of the warring camps. The article shows how Chernyshevsky’s analysis of Bonapartism is related to the theoretical principles proclaimed in his main philosophical works. Just as Chernyshevsky himself, Napoleon III tried to rely on the theory of progress, but at the same time he assigned an important role to the government in the process of moving of society towards a better future. His ideal is an empire symbolizing order and power. Conclusion. In fact, Chernyshevsky and Napoleon III defended two diametrically opposed concepts of progress. They disagreed, first of all, on the question of how the true interests of the nation should be understood. In the question of the vitality of the empire, Chernyshevsky obviously turned out to be right.