It is well known that the structure of honest elementary degrees is a lattice with rather strong density properties. Let $\mbox{\bf a} \cup \mbox{\bf b}$ and $\mbox{\bf a} \cap \mbox{\bf b}$ denote respectively the join and the meet of the degrees $\mbox{\bf a}$ and $\mbox{\bf b}$ . This paper introduces a jump operator ( $\cdot'$ ) on the honest elementary degrees and defines canonical degrees $\mbox{\bf 0},\mbox{\bf 0}', \mbox{\bf 0}^{\prime \prime },\ldots$ and low and high degrees analogous to the corresponding concepts for the Turing degrees. Among others, the following results about the structure of the honest elementary degrees are shown: There exist low degrees, and there exist degrees which are neither low nor high. Every degree above $\mbox{\bf 0}'$ is the jump of some degree, moreover, for every degree $\mbox{\bf c}$ above $\mbox{\bf 0}'$ there exist degrees $\mbox{\bf a},\mbox{\bf b}$ such that $\mbox{\bf c}=\mbox{\bf a} \cup \mbox{\bf b} = \mbox{{\bf a}}'=\mbox{\bf b}'$ . We have $\mbox{\bf a}'\cup \mbox{\bf b}' \leq (\mbox{\bf a}\cup\mbox{\bf b})'$ and $\mbox{\bf a}'\cap \mbox{\bf b}' \geq (\mbox{\bf a}\cap \mbox{\bf b})'$ . The jump operator is of course monotonic, i.e. $\mbox{\bf a}\leq\mbox{{\bf b}}\Rightarrow \mbox{\bf a}'\leq \mbox{\bf b}'$ . We prove that every situation compatible with $\mbox{\bf a}\leq\mbox{\bf b}\Rightarrow \mbox{\bf a}'\leq \mbox{\bf b}'$ is realized in the structure, e.g. we have incomparable degrees $\mbox{\bf a},\mbox{\bf b}$ such that $\mbox{\bf a}'<\mbox{\bf b}'$ and incomparable degrees $\mbox{\bf a},\mbox{\bf b}$ such that $\mbox{\bf a}' = \mbox{\bf b}'$ etcetera. We are able to prove all these results without the traditional recursion theoretic constructions. Our proof method relies on the fact that the growth of the functions in a degree is bounded. This technique also yields a very simple proof of an old result, namely that the structure is a lattice