Introduction. The article is devoted to the problem of transformation of a man into a post-human due to the emergence of the fifth industrial revolution. The digitalization processes inherent in industry 4.0 have become so firmly entrenched in human everyday life that they change it from the inside. Interaction with artificial intelligence and cobots creates a post-human future, and implantation of a chip in the brain creates a post-human. Theoretical analysis. The industry 5.0 phenomenon is associated with the active use of robotics and artificial intelligence in all spheres of human activity. The peculiarity of this stage of the industrial revolution lies in the human-oriented nature of technology and the establishment of a balance between nature and the technosphere. However, as a result of these processes, a person loses his own self and the status of a subject of cognition. There is a transition from Homo Sapiens to Homo Digitalis. Conclusion. The fifth industrial revolution can be considered the triumph of posthumanism. Techno-optimism, faith in scientific and technological progress and artificial intelligence cast doubt on the fact of the disappearance of a man as the culprit of these phenomena. Why create posthuman existence if a man loses his essence in it? Homo Digitalis is like a signifier without a signified - a talking head, devoid of its own consciousness and intelligence.