Granì 18 (8) (
The article analyzes person’s adaptive potential as a part of its identification strategies and multiple manifestations of a social mechanism. It established that a social adaptation is a part of a social identification activity, which relies on the personal adaptive capacity. It was found that the criteria of adaptive potential and types of life’s behavior strategies depends from the selfidentity, own mental values and meanings. It was found that the adaptive man abilities depends not only from individual, physiological person’s features, but also from its selfidentity value priorities, which are more determined level of personal needs and ways to meet them. Therefore, adaptive capacity is a complex of the multilevel system, which depends of the influence of the interacting biogenic, sociogenic and culturegenic factors. The subjective mental meanings and man perception stereotypes play the dominant role in this interaction. Each type has its own adaptation strategies set of values, that determine the individual behavior and identity model. Society, all elements of the social structure and a person experience effects of the adaptation processes in which social and personal dynamically are combined. Rethinking selfidentity system of values could change forms and models of the social structure with a creation of new types of social adaptation, adaptive capacity manifestation in general.