The paper is the Part IV of the large research, dedicated to both revision of the system of basic logical categories and generalization of modern predicate logic to functional logic. The topic of the paper is consideration of graphs of functions and relations as a derivative and definable category of ultra-Fregean logistics. There are two types of function specification: an operational specification, in which a function is first applied to arguments and then the value of the function is entered as the result of such application, and a grammar specification, in which an object is first entered and then represented as a value of the function on the given arguments. Since function specifications are relations themselves (which was shown in the previous article of the series), this means that each function forms two relations: the obverse (for an operational specification) and the reverse one (for a grammatical specification). Hence, the definitions introduce two types of graphs: the obverse graph of a function, or a graph of the obverse relation formed by this function, is a set of sequences of such objects, the last of which is a value of this function on the sequence of other of these objects as arguments of the same function. Similarly, the reverse graph of a function, or the graph of the reverse relation formed by this function, is called a set of sequences of such objects, the first of which is the value of this function on the sequence of other of these objects as arguments of the same function. In the limiting case of 0-ary functions, both graphs of any such function coincide. Gottlob Frege discovered obverse graphs of functions and called them function value-ranges. He fundamentally emphasized the non-identity of functions and their graphs. Unfortunately, in set theory under the influence of Giuseppe Peano, an alternative approach was adopted, according to which functions and relations are identical to their graphs and, ultimately, to each other. We show that this approach leads to two unacceptable and, at the same time, mutually contradictory conclusions, and must therefore be rejected.