Philosophy courses are compulsory in all high schools and vocational schools in Turkey. These courses give students a vision by showing how problems have developed historically and been discussed systematically. Since 2006, a new course, called “Education of Thinking” has been introduced as an elective course for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. This course provides more opportunities for philosophical development in children’s activities. The aim of this course is to enable students to be “ a subject” and “ a critical thinker” by doing philosophy and practising thinking skills.Education in philosophy is in fact the education of thinking. As indicated by Lipman, for the improvement of thinking in the schools, the most important dimensions of thinking to be cultivated are the critical, the creative, and the caring. Success in this education can be ensured by educating children in philosophy. In this paper, I will examine and share the benefits of doing philosophy in the classroom in Turkey.