Crimea is a fructiferous Ottoman land that nurtured many important individuals. There are some Sufis among these people. Sufis have written books and treatises in many fields. Crimean Sufis mostly belong to Halvetîyye, Nakşbendiyye and Kadiriyye orders. Halvetî, which was widespread in the Ottoman Empire, is also the most common sect in Crimea. Halvetism has brought important personalities up in Crimea. Muhammed Kırîmî is an important person in terms of Crimean Khalifa. In his work titled, Mirâ'tü’s-sâlikîn, he has written a treatise under the title "Annotation to the Hymn of Hakkı Efendi". There are many people known by the name of Hakkı. Hakkı Efendi's identity is the most important problem of our work. In addition, the author, lyrics and composer of the hymn that is the subject of our article had been unknown and anonymous until today. It is one of the lost poems of Bursevi, known to have more than ten thousand couplets. According to the data by Bursevi experts, up to three thousand couplets of Bursevi's poems are identified. We hope to make a huge contribution to the field by determining the hymn's belonging to him and the composer. In our study, we will endeavor to put forward his Sufi views within the framework of the principles of the Halvetî order in the context of this commentary on the hymn "Benem", which is known an anonymous work but belongs to Bursevî and which we have determined as the composer of Muallim İsmail Hakkı Bey.