"Unmoved Mover" in the Book Lambda By commentary of Themistius, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd and Aquinas
One of the most important parts of Aristotles Philosophy is devoted to theology or subjects pertaining to our Knowledge of God. Aristotle regards God as the first cause of movements of the universe, but considers him exonerated of any motion. The important point is that Aristotle's God is not the final cause of the world's movement and has no creative aspect. Aristotle in the Book of Lambda has proved the existence of Unmoved Mover and attempts to explain its attributes. This part of Metaphysics has been examined and interpreted by great peripatetic philosophers. On the basis of an a priori proof and by the observation of empirical movements in the world, Aristotle proves the existence of Unmoved Mover and holds that he has attributes such as all – knowing, being alive and goodness. Themistius, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd and Aquinas on the basis of differences they have on the grounds of their religious and philosophical belief, have commented on this part of Metaphysics. In some cases these commentaries have something in common and in others they are different form each other.