Like the ‘thoughts and prayers’ so commonly offered by politicians in the aftermath of disaster,
it is incredibly common to hear ‘autonomy and dignity’ invoked together in response to some
threat to human wellbeing. As such, it seems natural to assume they must bear some kind of
relation to one another. But are they merely two core human interests, that happen to be
vulnerable to the same kinds of threat? Or are they interrelated in a deeper way? What I aim to
do in this chapter is draw on the philosophical literature on both concepts to consider how they
might be connected, and explore whether certain ways of connecting them are more fruitful
than others. I argue that the two most prominent connections drawn in the philosophical
literature – that dignity is grounded in autonomy, and that respect for dignity is synonymous
with respect for autonomy – are both highly problematic. Instead, I suggest we see autonomy
and dignity as mutually supportive. Doing so has both practical and theoretical benefits: it can
help us identify threats to both autonomy and dignity; and it exposes theoretical lacunae,
especially within the autonomy literature.