The article articulated conditioning process aestheticization of privacy global phenomenon of coverage of modern culture; analyzed features modification status of the subject with the aesthetic component, which generates a special specificity of expression and self-awareness of modern individual. Speaking about the aestheticization of everyday life and, accordingly aestheticization of «Me» as the actual practices of subjectivation, it is a process of transformation of objects, phenomena of social life and individuals into art objects on she background of tendentsіy theatricality and performance. Concept of the play focuses on the transition to the over-saturation images of a society where advertising, entertainment, mass media and other cultural industries increasingly define social life, forcing the live experience and active social participation. It is no accident that she one of the metaphors used to understand the condition of modernity, is a metaphor of the «narcissism» in relation to society. This concept sociologists combine such phenomena in modern society, as a rejection of the order of standardization established when a consumer society, freedom from foreign influence. Narcissism means the emergence of a new type of people with heightened attention to yourself and your body, there is individualism, freed of the latest social and moral values. This narcissistic person «working hard to release his own «I», which takes place today, more by the laws of the aesthetic. When building your project identification, the individual searches for support to his «I» in the symbol of fashion, advertising, brand, aestheticization with its subjectivity in the «self-image», that is aestheticized «I» prefer not only doing themselves, but also the presentation itself» as spectacle. «Individuality was able to open up in style, fashion, design, recreation, and other event-subject variations of modern process of aestheticization of everyday life. It is no accident, H. Schulze says about modern society as «social experiences» in which one of the main values of life is the ability to experience positive and varied experiences, and among them the most important - the aesthetic experience. People are concerned about the quality of subjective experiences and are busy creating «a beautiful, pleasant and exciting life» and «yourself». As a result, the sensual pleasures, the idealization of aesthetic experience and the affective aspects of social existence contribute to the formation of a new type of sociality and interpersonal communication.