The Impacts of Ishraqi School on Mulla Sadra Concerning the order of Emanation
In practice, Mulla Sadra believed in methodological pluralism. Therefore, he was negatively and positively influenced by various schools and sources in solving philosophical problems.In devising his theory of the order of emanation, Mulla Sadra had been influenced by the Ishraqi school of thought at least in four respects including the following:1. Paying attention to objective directions and modes in the emanation of the many from the one2. Refuting the restriction of the intellects to ten types3. Accepting the existence of horizontal intellects in addition to vertical ones4. Resorting to the principle of superior possibility in order to explain the order of effusionHe also agreed with two elements of Peripatetic philosophers concerning emanation, namely, the analysis of the emanation of plurality based on mentally-posited modes and the restriction of the intellects to ten vertical types.