Generation Z people are a significant force driving the modern world. They lead educated lifestyles, enjoy expressing themselves creatively, and prefer to seek out new ideas or approaches to achieve the finest results. The research study aims to examine the tourism motivation and the image that affects the cultural tourism decisions of tourists of Generation Z. The study employed quantitative research techniques to gather data from 385 Thai Generation Z tourists. The research findings revealed that status and prestige significantly influenced cultural tourism decisions, followed by cultural, emotional, affective, physical, and interpersonal motivation. Moreover, the pre-conceptualized image of the tourist destinations has the most significant influence on cultural tourism decisions, followed by tourists' perceptions and the tourists' feelings. This has practical implications for economic development at both the national and regional levels. At the same time, it reflects much about Generation Z's needs and expectations, calling for the urgency to preserve the cultural heritage of the locality and the country as a whole. This is expected to maintain the value of cultural tourism, generating a balance of development in the future.