Absolute reality in Nature has two aspects of its existence―one is only realizable, and the other is describable with an element of realization. While the objective sciences follow the second route to understand the absolute reality, the subjective sciences, on the other hand, go mostly by the former. It will be argued in this paper that the quantum reality, manifesting through the subjects of mechanics of microscopic systems and quantum field theory, is not the final step in approaching the absolute reality. Like other cases in the history, it only offers a rung in the ladder and that too strictly in the domain of analytical description vs. accurate measurement. The understanding of quantum reality, in fact, brings in the concepts of infinity, infinitesimal, and zero. Further, these concepts while are necessary in precise mathematical terms in objective sciences, in philosophical terms in Vedic sciences, however, these concepts are found to have much deeper meanings. Some mathematical tools for this purpose are pinpointed here which can act as a guide for analytical studies of these concepts in Vedic literature.