The article deals with sport as a factor of creativity. The theses have been developed as follows. 1. Management of sport is an extreme case, on the base of which we can proof creativity of management and managers. 2. We face the contradiction of cultures not because of their difference but because of their uniformity and anaemia, i. e. morbidity when colourful details conflict after their contents assimilate. 3. A good piece of work threatens to overstep the limits of the rational (cultural) region and to stay not understandable; these characteristics follow from its ungovernable nature and are the components of a good piece of art. 4. As a limit of culture, nature allows for a creator loosing a touch with his (her) creative whole that is to be overstepped constantly; sport is appealing to the nature. 5. Adventures, ventures, long distant tours and extreme sport disturb work and distract a creator by threatening not as much with physical dangers as with unrealized ideas; creation is donkeywork by distancing from external disturbs. 6. The body in sport and the creation are inseparable. 7. Being sport fans, we not only simulate creativity but also create our identity, life style and life art; beside this, we touch the creativity nourished in a social way through our identity and social capital.