This paper will be an analysis of the present Philippine social order in the form of the rule of democracy through the understanding of German thinker Friedrich Nietzsche and his thoughts on society and its implications to the human individual. I will be utilizing some of Nietzsche’s major works. This paper will be divided into three parts. The first part will highlight the thought of Nietzsche on society and democracy, as well as an elucidation on the influence of morality on the social order as well as man as part of that society. The second part will be a discussion on democracy within the Filipino context, its ideals, principles and processes, as well as a brief history of democracy tracing back to the Athenian demokratía. The third part will be an analysis of Filipino democracy through the lens of Nietzsche’s view of society, focusing on notions exclusive to Nietzsche’s thought such as the typology of the ascending and descending modes of life, the ethics of affirmation and his own views on democracy. Upon reaching the conclusion of this paper, a conclusion will be made based on the analysis of Filipino democracy vis-à-vis Nietzsche.