Recently many investigations have been conducted on tale narration in Mowlana’s Mathnavi. Mowlavi's style in Mathnavi is special and versatile. There is not only a kind of ambiguity but also some sort of stream of consciousness present in the style of Mathnavi’s narrations. One salient characteristic of Mathnavi is its diversity of ideas and topics in the stories which are narrated. In the present study, it is attempted to show the invisible chains which connect together the seemingly scattered ideas of Molavi.. To this end, three factors which somehow play the role of connecting chains in the whole body of Mathnavi are taken into consideration, namely, the association of ideas, the structure of tales, and the nature of thoughts or ideas. Through the investigation of these three factors, it is attempted to show the invisible chains which show the hidden common thread that contribute to the different unity of ideas in Mathnavi.