Rene Le Senne belongs to the classical tradition of French philosophy. Unlike Sartre and Merleau-Ponty who owe so much to German sources Le Senne draws his philosophical sustenance primarily from the French tradition of Descartes, Octave Hamelin, Maine de Biran, and Bergson. His thought is the primary form of "Neo-Cartesianism" in contemporary philosophy. He is most well known for the alliance he formed in 1934 with Louis Lavelle and which is known as the Philosophie de l'Esprit movement. This movement subscribes to two principles: the primacy of the Cartesian experience of the thinking self, and the discoverability of God in the experience of the self. Obstacle and Value, Le Senne’s major work, was published in 1934. In this work he develops a concept of the "I" as the "unity of experience," the matrix of all particular experiences, of both ideal cognitions and concrete existential encounters. This "ideo-existential" complex is what he calls "spirit." Spirit develops in an opposition or tension with "obstacles" which resist it. Spirit overcomes these obstacles by subverting them to its own goals, thereby endowing them with "value." The experience of obstacles gives rise to the hope of an absolute value. The spirit and God exist in a reciprocal relationship. God is never something wholly other to the self; and the self is in its inner being divinized by its relationship to God. There is then a double cogito: the cogito as man and the cogito as God. All experience is dominated by this reciprocal relationship between the self and God. The concluding chapters of the book explain how man can have the experience of being independent of God, without God. There is a helpful introduction by translator Dauenhauer, a brief bibliography, and no index of any kind.—J.D.C.